Author: Joyce H. Corrington

  • The Bombardier

    This novel grew out of an invitation that Bill received in 1968 to spend at term at the University of California, Berkeley, as a Visiting Professor in Modern Literature. He carefully prepared and wrote out lectures on the works of Joseph Conrad, Henry James, James Joyce, Albert Camus, William Gaddis, and Normal Mailer. Copies of…

  • The Upper Hand

    Soon after finishing the first draft of And Wait for the Night, Bill began his second novel. He announced this to his friend Thomas Bell in a letter written soon after he finishing the revisions to his first novel requested by Putnam’s: JWC to Thomas Bell, August 10, 1963 Fumbling with writing scenes from second…

  • The Writing and Publication of And Wait for the Night

    Bill was a graduate student in English Literature at Rice University when we met in the fall of 1967. He was already writing and publishing poetry, but he had always been interested in history. Soon after Bill and I married in 1960, he focused his reading on Civil War history and began collecting a library…

  • The Collected Poems

    Having recently made all of the New Orleans Mystery books written by my late husband, John William Corrington, and myself available as e-books and paperbacks on Amazon, I have embarked on a project to make my late husband’s more serious literary work also available. Corrington began his writing career as a poet in the 1960s,…

  • Welcome

    Welcome to the site dedicated to the New Orleans Mystery series written by my late husband and myself. These books have not been available to the public (except through used book stores in expensive out of print hard cover versions). With the help (actually he did most of the work) of my son Robert Corrington,…